Black Tern, small when compared to the other terns. Those with patience (not me) should be able to get a decent photo if the birds stay around.
There's another incoming Tern out of shot but the second Black tern had flown southward
Peace returned but seconds later the Black Tern flew off, they don't seem comfortable alongside their boisterous neighbours
At first I thought this pale bird might be a Roseate but it looks like it's probably just a pale Common Tern
Great Skua (Bonxie) at Scurdie Ness, just a bit too far away from me. Another two were reported sitting out to sea
One of three Wheaters between Arbroath Harbour and the paddling pool
One of a gang Great Black-backed Gulls who had spotted a dead fish being uncovered as the tide went out
This young Herring Gull was so tame I reckon I could have patted it on the head
Olive said it was too dark for this photo.....
Mute Swan Cygnet at Keptie Pond involved in some intensive preening
Grey Heron at Keptie Pond feasting on the small Roach
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