Thursday 25 July 2024

Rose-coloured Starling (Rosy Starling)

After many years of tailoring my garden for wildlife, and spending a fortune on bird food to lure in something special, I nearly missed a very brief visit from a 1st summer/2nd calendar year Rose-coloured Starling. I'd gone into my kitchen to put on the kettle, and it appeared on the back wall with a few Common Starlings. A quick grab of my camera and I took a few photos through the double-glazing, and it promptly flew off, never to be seen again. I followed up with two searches in the surrounding area with no success. Maybe that was for the good as Olive's first words when I showed her the photos were "I'm not having birders tramping around the garden". I would have invited people in, how could I not when I hoped they'd do the same for me.

I've added in some Swift photos, but just couldn't get the settings right, or the camera was set up for insects when the Swifts flew by. The Swifts as they did last year showed an interest in a hole in the cement at the peak of my gable wall, and I thought, could they have nested there and I didn't know. Over a few days sitting watching from a less than ideal viewpoint, I did see Swift like silhouettes appear to fly into the hole? I'll wait until they've migrated and search my loft for evidence, and next year point a trail camera at the possible nest. I should also say, the window sill directly below the hole is covered in birds droppings...........

Rose-coloured Starling


Juvenile Magpie nearby

My Pigeon proof feeder - almost

One of my two Tree Sparrow juveniles

This what I do when watching Olive doing her favourite gardening job, dead heading flowers

These two I've called Finn and Robyn (grandchildren)

Saturday 20 July 2024

BTO Webs Survey, East Haven

Birds from my Webs Count for July, including the first returning waders, but very few. A Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit and an adult Mediterranean Gull were the highlights, also 3 Knot which flew off south.

Might have a video if quality is any good.....

Bar-tailed Godwit following a Curlew along the shoreline at East Haven


Redshank still in breeding plumage

One of the two Heron juveniles at Keptie Pond I could see, not sure what's happened to the third one

Marmalade Fly (hoverfly), a sudden influx on Saturday

Another Potato Capsid, more developed than the previous ones, and more of them around

Marmalade Fly

What looked like a family of Swifts briefly flew over my garden this morning, unfortunately on the wrong side of the light

Curlew and Bar-tailed Godwit in close formation

Kittiwake, one of 6 perhaps

Eider in eclipse plumage

Whimbrel (left) following a Curlew, the difference in the wing position exaggerates the size difference

Thursday 18 July 2024

Wood Sandpiper - Hatton/Elliot

A single Wood Sandpiper found by Martin Scott in the field at the south end of Arbroath Golf Links, I think opposite the 8th tee? Also a ringed/flagged Ringed Plover near Elliot, ringed near there on 30/5/2021 as an adult male.

A Wood Sandpiper at Hatton, south end of Arbroath Golf Club

A bit distant and into the sun

Ringed Plover blue right, yellow 128 left, south of the Elliot Burn

Grey Heron fishing sporadically in the lagoon at Elliot

Just a few Black-headed Gulls on the beach

Potato Capsid adult in Olive's garden

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