Thursday 30 September 2021

Egrets - in what is straying towards a Vlog

Photos and videos from a day at Lunan Bay (briefly) and Maryton Ditch and the Lurgies at Montrose Basin. I was looking for inshore Scoters at Lunan, but although they were in front of the platform, so were many dog walkers and two surfers were in the water.
Almost immediately at Maryton I found the Great Egret but it was later at the Lurgies where I took some decent video of a bird pretty far out on the mud. A Little Egret near the Old Harbour was more accommodating until it was flushed by a dog walker.
Nevertheless, I did see these using my scope, Great Egret, Little Egret, 9 Pintails, 4 Golden Plover, 1000's on Pink-footed Geese, Canada Geese, Greylag Geese, 2000+ Wigeon, Goldeneye, Goosanders, Red-Breasted Mergansers, Oystercatchers, Black-tailed Godwits, Cormorants, Redshanks, Dunlin, many Mute Swans, Herring Gulls, Black-headed Gulls and Common Gulls.
And a few miscellaneous photos below, and some survivors of 60 videos I took over the day of varying quality.

Greenshank                                           Velvet Scoters (a video too far)              Greenfinch eating rose hips

Just a few of the 46,000 Pink-footed Geese on Montrose Basin on 29/9/2021

They were a bit high up when they came over me but you can see the features quite well in this photo

There are three geese species in this photo, Greylags in the foreground, Canada's in the centre and two Pink-footed sleeping at the rear, you can see their heads, confirmed when they woke up briefly

Cormorant that had just had an epic struggle with a flounder that was just too big for it

Little Egret filmed from behind the notice boards at the Lurgies gate, as soon as people walked past me it flew away. There were at least four separate Little Egrets and this one chased another away twice

The Basin as seen form the Old Harbour

No zoom in this one

This photo and the one below are composites made up of as many as 9 photos, spliced together using Microsoft's free tool Image Composite Editor. It's been discontinued but is still available here on softonic and a few other sites, Microsoft ICE

Just some of the Pink-footed Geese which had just landed between the Lurgies and the SWT Centre. The SWT events around the geese have started, you'll need to book

This juvenile Goldfinch seems to have lost it's family and is hanging about the garden on it's own

Olive's Robin which is still a bit canny, and so it should as I found a pile of House Sparrow feathers and it's beak parts on my bins. The Sparrowhawk has never landed on the bins while I'm sat at the window but I've got a short lens on an old camera ready for it

I'm still getting high numbers of Starlings in my garden, highest count this week was 56

Painted Lady, found resting out of the wind and sunning in the town centre of Arbroath

Work going on at the Steeple in Arbroath, I hope they're finished in time for the Peregrines who sometimes use it in winter  

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