Saturday 20 July 2024

BTO Webs Survey, East Haven

Birds from my Webs Count for July, including the first returning waders, but very few. A Whimbrel, Bar-tailed Godwit and an adult Mediterranean Gull were the highlights, also 3 Knot which flew off south.

Might have a video if quality is any good.....

Bar-tailed Godwit following a Curlew along the shoreline at East Haven


Redshank still in breeding plumage

One of the two Heron juveniles at Keptie Pond I could see, not sure what's happened to the third one

Marmalade Fly (hoverfly), a sudden influx on Saturday

Another Potato Capsid, more developed than the previous ones, and more of them around

Marmalade Fly

What looked like a family of Swifts briefly flew over my garden this morning, unfortunately on the wrong side of the light

Curlew and Bar-tailed Godwit in close formation

Kittiwake, one of 6 perhaps

Eider in eclipse plumage

Whimbrel (left) following a Curlew, the difference in the wing position exaggerates the size difference

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