Saturday 27 August 2022

Humpback Whale, Montrose

Some birds from St Cyrus and Kinnaber where a juvenile Yellow-legged Gull was seen this week, also Mediterranean gulls, adult and juvenile, and a Peregrine hunting the huge flock of gulls feeding on the sea and resting on the beach. 
I briefly saw the Humpback Whale at St Cyrus on Thursday, it was heading south, and I relocated it from the Splash area at Montrose Beach later. I managed a video of the whale on Friday from the Splash, it was off Scurdie Ness towards the green navigation buoy around 1.4km away.

Humpback Whale tail slapping (off Scurdie Ness, from Montrose Beach)       Greenshanks (5) at St Cyrus 

Humpback Whale, Scurdie Ness, photo from Montrose Beach, Splash area parking

Osprey blue JV9 photographed fishing in the estuary pool at St Cyrus, as many as 4 have been seen there

A Drone Fly on the path to the hide. From the hide at present there is very little of the birdlife to be seen due to shifting of the sand and the height of the grass

I know there has been a Hooded Crow around the Montrose area for a few years now, this is one of a few crows I've seen with some Hoodie characteristics. Seen in the field adjacent to the centre and road to the south of St Cyrus car park. The camera refused to focus on the black bird in the distance!

This one's a Jackdaw with pure white feathers on both wings, more so on the right wing

Red Admiral photographed from the wooden bridge, the Gurkha bridge

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