Tuesday 30 August 2022

Black Tern, Little Gull, Barnacle Goose and Great Egret

More Little Gulls, still a juvenile Black Tern and various Roseate Terns have been seen at Inchcape Park (beach) in Arbroath. I haven't seen a Roseate yet, and I'm stuck a home waiting a tradesman to fit a smart meter!

Eventually Gus and I found the Little Stint at Rossie Spit on Monday when it conviently walked in front of a large flat black stone!
Also an out of season Barnacle Goose at the Lurgies, 5 Ruff remaining, the expected Great Egret at Maryton and even more Canada Geese.

Great Egret with flounder      Great Egret, digital zoom      Barnacle Goose, Lurgies

One of the Black Terns was still around Inchcape Park in Arbroath on the evening of 28/8/2022

Also, more Little Gulls and a few more juveniles coming in as it got dark

Juvenile Little Gull with adult and Common Tern

Adult Little Gulls

The Great White Egret is still at Montrose Basin and on Monday was favouring a channel north of the river at Maryton Ditch

The injured/disabled Whooper Swan is still being seen at the Lurgies and appeared to be less wary when feeding in the tail of the Lurgies pool

I was pointed in the direction of "Large Yellow Underwing" for this moth, a few of which I've seen in my garden, this one on my living room window in daylight

A second one was disturbed while cutting grass

Olive's Rose has excelled after the rain with lots of new flowers and more to come

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