Saturday 3 September 2022

Curlew Sandpipers and Spotted Redshank

Everything below is from my Nikon P1000, I started with a brief visit to Danger Point (Old Brewhouse) while waiting for Olive. I continued using the same camera at Maryton Ditch due to the distances I expected the birds would be from me. 

I covered a period as the tide came in at Maryton and it appeared when I left that the birds would still come closer, I couldn't stay any longer though. The highlights were the Spotted Sandpiper, 6 Curlew Sandpipers, 1 Little Stint, 3 Shovelers and the seasons first Pintails. Also seen, Wigeon, vast numbers of Canada Geese, 3 Little Egrets, 1 Barnacle Goose, 5 Pink-footed Geese, Greenshanks, Knot and more....

Spotted Redshank 1      Spotted Redshank 2      Spotted Redshank 3

Curlew Sandpipers adult and juvenile 1      Curlew Sandpipers adult and juvenile 2     Juvenile only 

Pintails in eclipse      Black-tailed Godwit    BBC: Chris Packham should NOT be silenced by hunters. Petition     

Spotted Redshank and Redshank comparison

A darker Curlew Sandpiper as I'd flicked the exposure value to -1 accidentally, doh

At least 7 Pintails were seen but I think there were a few more around a corner blindspot

Grey Wagtail in the Brothock near Danger Point where the burn flows into the sea

One of 5 Little Gulls roosting and preening at Danger Point

A second Heron was fishing near the breakwater but in a long video I took it barely moved!

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