Tuesday 6 September 2022

Painted Ladies, Grey Wagtail and Wind Turbines

I thought I'd post these while I sit and watch the rain pouring outside. Nothing rare, a mixture of photos from in and around Arbroath.

Painted Lady Butterfly, the first I've seen this year, and in my garden

Photos below this point are a mix taken over the last week which didn't make a blog post. were forgotten, or even resurrected from one of my SD cards

Black Tern, Inchcape Park

Common Tern

Common Tern yellow PYY

Still Gannets dying or washed ashore on Lunan Bay beach, around 15 on the day this was taken

Great Black-backed Gull yellow X:135

Grey Heron at sunset

A few Grey Wagtail photos from Danger Point

Boddin Lime Kilns photographed from Lunan Bay platform, I don't think I'll venture in the arches again!

Peacock Butterfly in my garden

Rock Pipit, Danger Point

What looks like a Shag nest lined with fishing nylon of many colours

Starlings on the Pitch and Putt course, Gayfield

Wind Turbine construction, possibly 17 miles offshore from Lunan Bay beach

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