Friday 9 September 2022

Pied Flycatchers and a hunting Stoat

My species of the week are the Pied Flycatchers below, most of the east of Scotland has some, and there were 3 at Mains of Usan near Montrose, along with a  Spotted Flycatcher and a Garden Warbler. An unidentified warbler I saw in the same area was likely to have been a Lesser Whitethroat. Down at the farm near the beach I also saw a male Redstart.

Nothing new in the videos below, except for a Stoat hunting among the old buildings at Mains of Usan farm. I just wish I'd been viewing it from the other side of the building with the sun behind me.....

Stoat hunting at Mains of Usan

Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher

The large eye on this Pied is needed to see and catch flies in flight

Pied, alert to the next fly passing

I like this Spotted the best even though it has a shadow on the bird

Spotted Flycatcher (and both below)

I was approaching one of the old mill buildings at Mains of Usan when a Redstart male hopped past the cattle gate I was standing near. I watched the bird fly into the building and went to investigate and found this Stoat hunting on the gable, I didn't see the Redstart again but neither did the Stoat

It looked through very nook and cranny 

A perfect little hunter and not often seen, especially in the middle of the day, perhaps a mum with a young family nearby?

After an hour or more in the Wigeon Hide at Montrose Basin I found 5 Wheatears feeding in a field as I walked up the track

Common Tern juvenile, Rossie Spit area

One of the boat owners said he'd be glad when the terns left, they were making small deposits all over the boats

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