Friday 16 September 2022

Wheatears - Mains of Usan

These are from 10/9/2022.
I took a walk along the coastline to the south of Mains of Usan with my old camera, the Tamron 150-600mm lens, my scope on the tripod and my P1000, I wondered why I was tired later that night! 
I found the D7200 with the Tamron worked quite well despite not having the VR capabilities the D500 has, especially fast focus. (stop moaning you sound like a farmer).

Wheatear close up      Wheatear too much zoom in the windy conditions

One of eight Wheatears I saw to the south of Mains of Usan. This one landed behind me and quite close, unfortunatly both of us were looking into the strong sunlight but I managed to take out the shadow in edit

These two were watching some walkers going by further up the field

This is from the P1000 and looked better before being shrunk down to fit here

This one had eaten a caterpillar and was trying to cough up irritating bristles

The classic Wheatear pose, surveying the landscape for threats and in this case for another Wheatear giving it grief

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