Friday 16 September 2022

Webs Survey - a Big Blog

These are from 12/9/2022.
The story in photos of my latest Webs survey where I found 29 species which were recorded, and more which can't be submitted to online tool at the BTO.

No East Haven videos, have this Arctic Tern in Arbroath instead, Arctic Tern juvenile

I was leaning against a strainer post trying to count Curlews in their roost field when all of the Starlings flushed and I caught this female Sparrowhawk coming in. Unlucky for me though I had the camera set up for photos into the sky over the sea, still I managed to rescue this photo and one other. No Starlings were harmed in the making of this blog!

A young Greenfinch at the ditch near the car park in East Haven. I think I recorded 26 or 28 of them feeding on the beach which was mostly covered in seaweed

These two, Pa and the bairn were in front of the car park

I tried unsuccessfully to get a Bar-tailed Godwit in flight until this one got involved in this Oystercatcher photo


Sandwich Tern, I counted 63 in a flock before the tide covered the rocks

Dunlin with a single Turnstone, numbers of both are increasing along the coast

One of my favourites, a juvenile Ringed Plover, lovely marked plumage when seen close and they are usually friendly chaps

Pied Wagtail, 14 recorded on my Webs, note they aren't one of the target species but I've always recorded them for my interest

This shows less than half of the 87 Great black-backed Gulls at Craigmill mouth, I've never had so many on a count, probably shows birds dispering further from the Isle of May and elsewhere

Grasshopper hiding from the wind on this sunlit wall at East Haven

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