Friday 16 September 2022

Searching for a "Comma" and failed

From a trip on 13/9/2022.
A fruitless search for a Comma Butterfly at Crombie, probably just too much wind and I only saw a few butterflies around the whole park. I did see a single Common Hawker Dragonfly but it was on the move and not where I've seen them hunting before.
Today's weather isn'tgoing to help the butterflies, it's 13 degrees outside and a 15 mph northerly.

Just one video which doesn't fit in here, it was filmed at Danger Point and shows a Curlew trying to break off a small crabs claws and legs so it can swallow it safely.

Curlew with crab, scared off by a helicopter!!

The first "new" Peacock Butterfly I've seen for a while, most have been a bit worn

This Small Tortoiseshell also looks like a new one, I suppose both will over-winter as adults

Common Darter Dragonfly male on the path edge at Murton, I'd hoped I might see a Black Dragonfly but it's a bit early yet based on my previous sightings. Photographed while I was prone on the path and with my P1000, which I've decided isn't as good as my D7200 despite a macro function

Common Darter female, seen at Crombie

I'll need better camera set up to freeze this motion 

Common Banded Hoverfly, lots at Murton NR and Crombie CP

Two of around 24 Teal that flew into Murton when I was scanning for a Green Sandpiper. There's practically no water in the Wetlands and the Home Loch is still low with steep banked edges, almost completely lined by Greylag Geese, likely around 500 birds

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