Friday 16 September 2022

Geeze! - Glaucous Gull, Great Egret, Greenshank and Goldeneye

Almost a Vlog and not a Blog this one after I took a lot of video at Maryton and the Lurgies on Thursday 15th, and an out of season Glaucous Gull (likely the one Dan Pointon found at St Cyrus) seen again at the north end of Lunan Bay on 14/9/2022.
The Greenshank gets top billing because of the quality and light, the Glaucous Gull disappears into a bait ball of gulls and Gannets, the Ruff is well lit and some of the supporting cast wander from light to shade. 
I did have a Great Egret film but decided it wasn't a match for previous ones, too shaky in the wind, so I edited it straight to the recycle bin! 
I've added a Great Egret video previously filmed at Maryton Ditch in 2021.

Greenshank (wow)      Glaucous Gull      Great Egret (Blue Peter version)

Ruff      Spotted Redshank      Curlew Sandpipers      

Pintails (2 Wigeon)      Shovelers      Goldeneye      Little Egret

Great Egret, Little Egret and Grey Herons, all seen distantly from Maryton Ditch

Ruff at the Lurgies, Montrose Basin

My first sighting of a Purple Sandpiper this autumn on the west breakwater at Arbroath Harbour. It's in the centre with its head tucked in facing right!

Seen from Danger Point/the Old Brewhouse in Arbroath, some of the new wind turbines. I'm not sure which field these are in, when I searched previously I found it difficult to find a good map online 

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