Friday 23 September 2022

Pink-footed Geese - it must be Autumn!

Some videos and a few photos taken from the hide at Tayock on Montrose Basin as the tide rose on a breezy sunny afternoon. Using my scope I managed to find 4 Grey Plovers and 2 Golden Plovers, but a scan of the 3000+ Pink-footed Geese didn't find any strangers, yet. Unusually the birds weren't disturbed by humans and dogs, just the one major flush when a juvenile Peregrine chased everything away, but they returned as the tide rose and the mud was covered.
Videos have some vibration due to the wind blowing through the metal hide/screen, the camera was on a tripod.
The photos appear to have been brightened by Google but are almost true in exposure on a sunny day in September (I forgot to run the "darken script").

Pink-footed Geese

didn't count them

Grey Plovers

Knot, Dunlin and Redshanks

Black-tailed Godwits

I can't recall seeing a Common Darter at Tayock before

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