Saturday 24 September 2022

Bottlenose Dolphin and Ruff

The Bottlenose Dolphin in the photo and the video gets top billing, seen from the viewing platform at Lunan Bay.

Earlier the same day Ron and I stalked a Ruff at the Lurgies, the results are below.

Bottlenose Dolphin in the shallows      Ruff opposite the old Shelduck Hide

One of four groups of Bottlenose Dolphins hunting individually, and very near to the beach as can be seen at the start of the video above

Ruff, very close to the path at the Lurgies, Montrose Basin

It caught me out when it landed so close and I had to quickly change settings while tracking it walking briskly along the waters edge

This one is from my P1000, the Ruff was further out than the images above but gave great views 

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