Thursday 29 September 2022

Great Crested Grebes and beyond to Jupiter

A collection from Maryton Ditch, the Lurgies, Miss Erskine's Bank, Monikie CP, Arbroath Harbour and Marina, Olive's garden and Jupiter, yes Jupiter 367 million miles away!
The photos are simply in alphabetical order and all but the Robin, Blue Tit and white duck were photographed with my Nikon P1000, with help from the sun. A few of the videos are of a quality I rarely get, again the sun and the closeness of the subjects has helped.

Ruff feeding (quality)     Ruff drinking (quality) 

Whooper Swans      Great Black-backed Gull 3cy      Little Egrets (5)      Guillemot Lurgies 

Great Crested Grebes 1      Grebes 2      Grebes 3      Adult Grebe (quality)

Blue Tits return to my garden, along with Coal Tits and most days in early morning Tree Sparrows, the Greenfinches barely left this year

Crow with a shotgun cartridge, for a few seconds when seen distantly through my scope I thought I'd seen a Chough!

You can see the brass where the powder would have been

Cormorants roosting on the rescue boat at Monikie

A runner at Monikie pointed out this duck and suggested it was a Pekin Duck but I'm not convinced and I'll try to find a better match. It appears to be a Call Duck and it might be possible to find it's origin from rings on both legs. I wonder if the other nearby also is ringed. I've since found that the rings are actually cable straps, a cheap and cruel practice I'd say

A fuchsia flower in Olive's garden, good to look at but doesn't seem to attract bees and hoverflies

One of the two adult Great Creste Grebes at Monikie still with two juveniles being fed, but not often to encourage them to fish for themselves

One of the 2 Great Crested Grebe juveniles

Not sure if this is the other one, both were fishing where the ducks access the Island Pond, this has a stickleback

The only bird roosting on the breakwater at Arbroath Harbour, a Grey Heron with individual trees recognisable in the distance at Tentsmuir

A Guillemot which had just surfaced through a slick of diesel scum in the Marina at Arbroath

One of 24 Guillemots in the outer harbour, 30 in the marina

This Guillemot was at the Old Harbour at Montrose Basin along with a single Razorbill and at least another 20+ auks dotted around further out on the south side of Montrose Basin

The sad remains of the Denfind Hide at Monikie, burnt to the ground by vandals. It was a good place to shelter in winter showers last year when the Black-necked Grebe was on the nearby Island Pond

Jupiter and four of its Moons, photographed using the "Moon" setting on my Nikon P1000 from an upstairs window on "wine night" Tuesday. The blur isn't the tripod moving but Jupiter, and with a comparitively fast 1 second exposure.
My astronomy app identied the moons from left to right as, Europa, Ganymede, Io and Callisto. Jupiter is thought to have over 100 moons!
I might try again tonight with my scope and phone camera or some modified settings on the Nikon which likely won't work!

Two of the five Little Egrets at the mouth of the Mill Burn, seen from the Lurgies path

All five in this wide shot, a pity they didn't move into a neat group

There were large numbers of many species of birds on Miss Erskine's Bank before these two arrived......

An unexpected Razorbill in the Old Harbour at Montrose Basin

Olive's Robin is getting a bit more cocky and allowed me to get a quick photo. I might try and train it to come for food (probably something else will distract me)

The Ruff which I first saw on 23/9/2022 was still at the Lurgies on the 27th and was still totally unwary of Ron and I standing in full view on the path

Less than 10 metres away from the path

The orginal group of Whooper Swans I saw from Maryton Ditch, later they'd added another two, or was it a different group

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