Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Mandarin Ducks - Gannochy Pond, Perth

It was sometime before Christmas when I had a quick look at Gannochy Pond in Perth after a report of two pairs of Mandarin Ducks amongst the Mallards, they were mentioned in this blog at the time.
I was in Perth again on Tuesday and had a sceptical look for them, thinking the pond would be frozen over and "duckless". It was partly iced over and only Mallards could be seen, but I had some seed in the car. At first only the Mallards, Moorhens, Black-headed Gulls and Feral Pigeons were seen, but the excitement must have woken up the one pair of Mandarins remaining. They were very wary when seen in December, but with the cold weather they've adapted and gained confidence from the throng of other birds.

Just about the only time they stopped moving around, and with no Mallards in the frame

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