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Smew, Forfar Loch YouTube Greenland White-fronted Goose YouTube
Smew, Forfar Loch Flickr Smew video 2 Flickr Greenland White-fronted Goose Flickr and the Goose again Flickr
Smew redhead (female) at the east end of Forfar Loch, first found by Jonathon at Murton. It's not surprising that it moved on, the low water levels in summer at Murton probably did for the fish, and currently the water in the ponds are full of silt
A Greenland White-fronted Goose, found on Sunday by Gus, I wonder if it's a bird I've seen there before
Probably 4-500 Greylag Geese using Buddy's Loch at Murton, so not easy to pick out the goose above with binoculars
Buddy's Loch just before the Greylag Geese flew in
I think this is the first Beaver damage I've seen at the east end of Forfar Loch
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