Monday 19 June 2017

Little Ringed Plover Part 2

I've been taking it easy in the heat and relaxing without a cold beer in the garden with a short trip to see how the Little Ringed Plovers who failed at their first attempt to breed were getting on.

Little Ringed Plover, nest attempt two. Never a good plan to build a new nest two feet or less from the one that had been predated. You should be able to see an egg on the old nest to the right and up a bit, hoping for a better result this time

It's difficult to get a Swift photo and I've found that my garden isn't a good place to try due to all of the houses, trees and garages that obscure the birds even if they are higher up. Will try again somewhere more open

Olive's House Martin, she's claimed this one as it's nesting on her house. She'd earlier claimed the budgie which is still here and seen daily

Maybe the same bird or it's mate

Starling plumage evolution. One of the latest new broods invading my garden

This one must be from one of the earliest broods and is the most advanced I've seen at my feeders

One of the hard worked adults being constantly harangued for food

Inevitably all of the bird action in the garden has eventually attracted this male Sparrowhawk. It was a long way away and circling quite high up when I saw it, and I thought the commotion I'd heard in the garden before had been an unsuccessful attempt at one of the young sparrows. Tonight when filling a feeder I found the evidence of a sparrow having been plucked, all of which must have happened when I was at the other side of a very large cotoneaster

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