Tuesday 12 November 2013

Grey Phalarope, Arbroath West Links

A rare visitor at the West links near the paddling pool at Arbroath today, a Grey Phalarope feeding amongst the weed being tossed around by a slight swell. Once again however the bird was scared off by a dog walker who exercised his spaniel where the bird was for around 30 minutes.

Below the Phalarope photos a Stoat, Little Grebe and what appears to be a Black-headed Gull with a deformed wing where its elbow appears connected to its body!

Little Grebe, now around sixteen at the Lurgies
This Black-headed Gull's elbow appears connected to its body yet it has been able to survive till now at Montrose Basin
I've seen a Stoat at the same point on the Lurgies path three times this year and one chase and kill a rabbit nearby. I wonder if it's the same one?

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