Sunday, 8 November 2015

Hen Harrier at Kinnordy, the absolutely last Great White Egret photo and some from Carnoustie Golf Links

The Hen Harrier although seen on four occasions never ventured far away from the far side of Kinnordy but given the light and distance I think I've managed to capture the features and essence of the bird. The Egret photo is one of a few I've taken when there was a bit more light and a bit less wind and mist hence the reflection.

All of the other photos were taken near dusk or in the gloom of the recent autumn days but at least this freaky weather has produced some unusual bird experiences, especially the very large numbers of Snipe at Kinnordy.

Hen Harrier on the far side of Kinnordy, from the East Hide

The best light and perhaps the closest it has come yet.

I'd counted 85 Snipe at Kinnordy, a count on 8/11/2015 suggests over 160.

Goldcrest near the practice course parking at Carnoustie Golf Links, one of four.

A new species at Carnoustie Golf Links, a Pochard drake in eclipse (or is it a first winter) with a drake Tufted Duck. I also added a Woodcock to the links list the same day.

Sparrowhawk at Carnoustie Golf Links, one of three.

One of three Purple Sandpipers at the mouth of the Lochty Burn, Carnoustie.

The Montreathmont Hide Wren.

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