Saturday 21 March 2015

Frog Chorus

Spring is truly here, if you agree with the frogs at Montreathmont Forest, they were calling in every suitable ditch and there was quite a bit of spawn already deposited.

The Great Crested Grebes were taken at Murton and were fishing right under the car park hide in the water which is currently covering the bank. The other photos are from various sites and I think the Puffin one is the first I've taken of a bird not in its summer breeding colours.

The Eclipse photos were taken with the Canon SX50 so I could view it on the camera screen and not get blinded like the woman beside me who was using her DSLR "with a UV filter" which she thought was fine!! I hope she doesn't regret it later.

First frog spawn this year and I could hear frogs calling all over the forest

Great Crested Grebe at Murton

One of three perch I saw it eat

Mr Grumpy (the Greenfinch)

Magpie near Elie

Cock Pheasant at Montreathmont

Puffin at Ruddons Point, Elie

The obligatory Eclipse photo

The artistic Eclipse photo

Male Yellowhammer

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