Saturday, 12 March 2016

Montreathmont Forest and Forfar Loch

Some of the visitors to the feeders in the forest in today's post. Thankfully on this occasion the seed and food was topped up not just myself but other visitors, I wish they all did.

It's well known that birds are loyal to feeders and travel distances to get the seed and other food and they can waste a lot of time and energy if they find the feeders empty. I hope people can all help by bringing along some seed, lard, raisins, fat balls or any suitable food when they visit.

The lower photos are from Forfar Loch and the paddling pool area in Arbroath.

The Jays don't come close to the feeders and this one's visit was only fleeting and distant

This Yellowhammer was more confiding but as always difficult to photograph on the ground in what is a shady location

The Blue Tits help out by coming closer and sitting in the little good light

An under-rated bird the Chaffinch, especially the colourful males

A constant at the feeders these Coal Tits, they come in grab a seed and retreat to eat it before coming back for more

This is one of the Dunnocks now singing in the rain from the gorse bushes along with the many Robins and Wrens

A number of different Great Spotted Woodpeckers use the feeders but can be wary

This duck is being discussed, it's been suggested it may be a Pochard/Tufted hybrid and not a Scaup as I previously thought. At Forfar Loch.

The duck again but with a Tufted duck this time, I also have a photo of it with a pair of Gadwall, friends with everyone it seems

A female Goosander, one of my favourites at Forfar Loch in winter

Carrion Crow, bright, cunning and careful but never too shy to nick in and grab some chocolate raisins I'd dropped at the West Links area in Arbroath

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