Also seen at the same site were, 2 Great Northern Divers, 1 Woodcock flying past, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits one of which was ringed in Norway this year as a hatchling, and a Sanderling ringed in Orkney.
More photos in the next post including a Red-head Smew at Kinnordy and some from Lunan Bay, Montrose Basin and my late afternoon, end of day site, Keptie Pond
White-rumped Sandpiper near Hatton Sewage Works south of Easthaven
This bird has a diagnostic orange base to its lower bill which can't be seen in this shaded photo but can be when over-exposed to a degree on my PC. The wings also extend past its rump and another photo shows the white rump which gives it the name
One of these Bar-tailed Godwits was ringed in Norway on 29/9/2017, its name is NEV on a yellow flag!
Grey Plover
This Redshank looks to have a damaged beak, almost like it has flown into something and pushed it back. The area at the front of its face looks to have rotted away?
For comparison with the one above
Arbroath, West Links looking to Elliot
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