Thursday, 10 January 2019

Post with no name

A bit of a tour in this post with photos from Dundee, Monikie, Fife, Carnoustie Golf Links, Arbroath and another angle of a Sparrowhawk in my garden which seems to be one of two separate birds according to Olive's descriptions and observations.

Forgot I took these Waxwing photos on the Kingsway this week!

Only four left when I drove past on Wednesday

Reports that they've moved to the Easter Cemetery, Arbroath Road, Dundee

Green Sandpiper, Monikie CP

Feeding on the exposed mud and gravel on the Island Pond near the anglers building

Constantly moving as people walking past shout down their phones, or dogs barking, or worse, throwing balls where the bird wants to feed

A Canon SX shot of one of three Redhead Smews seen at Cameron Reservoir, Fife

Another angle, not into the light of the ever present Sparrowhawk in my garden. Camera trap photo

Skylarks on Carnoustie Golf Links

Stonechat, CGL

Dunnock, CGL

Carrion Crow, CGL

Herring Gull, Victoria Park. What to photograph on windy, cold days? Sneak out of the car or hide, find a grisly looking gull, job done.

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