Others below from Montrose Basin on a really good day which allowed me to get long distant photos of Shovelers, Whooper Swans but not the Peregrine that flushed everything at Rossie Spit.
Finally some views from Glenesk where again I found dead rats on the road at Millden, conversely I didn't find any Red Kites or Buzzards throughout the length of the glen!
Black Redstart at the bottom of the slipway. I sat amongst the rock armour, actually in a bit of a hole and let the Redstart get used to my presence. I'm not sure if I'd have climbed in with my more expensive gear
Shovelers, just after everything was flushed
You can see these by walking along the footpath between the railway bridge and the SWT Centre, just don't stop walking if you don't want to see them move away
I counted 46 Whooper Swans between Miss Erskine's Bank and the Lurgies before they flew off to feed in nearby winter barley fields. This looks like a family group
Everyone photographs drake Wigeon, here's a duck for a change, the only one not in the shade as the sun moved around at Rossie Spit
Not the Whoopers coming back but one of a large flock of Mute Swans. Note the dirty water in the splashes, it's the mud from those large feet getting washed off as it lands
The flock were not wary at all and swam into towards the bank at the Lurgies
Caitlin, photographed from the roadside at Rossie Spit. Would have been good without that ripple though
It's possible I committed a sacrilege and took a photo, or two with my mobile phone. This one is of Inchgrundle at the west end of Loch Lee as seen from the Church at the east end. Nah, it looks too good for the phone....
I liked the light on this one of the North Esk just downstream from the loch
Have seen dead rats in the road in Glen Lethnot (oddly, two on the same day in different areas). Almost as if someone had put them there on purpose....or did 2 rats independently of each other and completely coincidentally die in the middle of the road/track on the very same day? Was a few years ago - would probably pass on info to Police now if I found them in an Angus glen. A dead sheep behind a large rock on the hillside at Loch Lee was found by a friend a few years ago too who mentioned it to a passing gamekeeper who said he was aware of it (yet it hadn't been removed as required by law, I believe, and wasn't a fresh death either).