Thursday, 28 March 2019

Harriers and Hybrids

Some on a dull day, some in the sun and most in a wind that makes handheld photography a challenge. I need my Sherpa to step up and carry my tripod!

Gadwall courtship and mating, Kinnordy, click here for video

Slow motion video of the hybrid duck below, click here

Marsh Harrier, collecting nest material, click here for video

Pochard drake and Tufted duck hybrid at Balgavies Loch. I thought it was a Scaup at first and was busy trying to get some video when Barry pointed out it was a hybrid. I should have known as I've seen the same version before and I'd suggested to Colin it could be. I jumped the gun!

At the car park at Forfar Loch, male Bullfinch

One of the pesky Feral Pigeons who daily try to get at the fallen seed from the messy Sparrows at my feeder. The seed drops into a 50mm mesh cage so they can't get at it

Fly past at Kinnordy

Cock Pheasant, Kinnordy

Teal drake, Kinnordy

Teal duck

Toads at the Lily Pond, Kinnordy

Male Marsh Harrier with some nest material, very far away

This Roe buck at Kinnordy is just beginning to lose its velvet from the antlers

Wigeon drake

Beaver at work

This Carrion Crow was berating a dog at Forfar Loch, constantly calling from the nearest and safest tree

Again, the dog's gone

At least six Great Crested Grebes just now at Forfar Loch

One of these two photos is from the Canon SX60, I'm surprised

Always calling from a conifer nearby at Forfar Loch. Magpies appear all of the way around the loch now


It's the time of year when Dunnocks lose their fear and start singing from the small trees and bushes

Still a few Tree Sparrows visiting my garden despite the constant and recurring Sparrowhawk

One of Olive's daffs

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