This is it for Friday, but it's Important.
I don't normally donate as I'm tight, so says Olive, but this legal challenge to "General Licenses" caught my attention on the same day I found out via BirdGuides that Scottish Natural Heritage have authorised the killing of Cormorants and Goosanders on the River Tweed, "to study what they eat", apparently without looking at other factors affecting salmon populations! They eat fish!
Support "Wild Justice" to stop the licensed casual killing of birds, click here to donate
This is from the Wild Justice "donate page",
Wild Justice challenges the casual killing of birds
The statutory agency Natural England allows the unlimited killing of a wide variety of bird species under a series of ‘General Licences' which are published at the start of each year. Birds such as Carrion Crows, Rooks, Magpies, Woodpigeons, Jackdaws, Jays and Ring-necked Parakeets can be killed without applying for a licence, without having to justify why the action is necessary, without having to explain why alternative non-lethal measures such as scaring or proofing are ineffective or impracticable, and without having to report on how many birds are killed. All a person needs to do to ‘qualify’ to kill unlimited numbers of these birds is to claim to have read and understood the relevant General Licence.
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