Friday, 17 May 2019

The one about a Garden Warbler (a nod to "Friends")

Think of these photos as a test of my set up of the new PC and monitor, and be ready for much tweaking in other posts to come until I'm happy with the brightness and colours. Text descripitions are below each photo.

A Garden Warbler heard then seen at Murton, unfortunately I'd set up the camera for flight shots and this was well over-exposed. An annoyingly common error. I'm pretty sure I could hear a second bird on the bank between the two main ponds

Cinnabar Moth, first this season for me

Female Common Blue Damselfly, brown variant

Common Tern, flying over the road bridge between Rossie Island and Montrose. Seen while doing an Urban Gull survey on a randomly selected grid, most of this one is in Montrose Basin. One Herring Gull nest was seen on chimney pots on Rossie Island, even the closed hospital didn't have any. Perhaps it's a sign of Angus Council's nest removal service and policy!

Oystercatcher, also flying over the bridge

Back home where I often sit in the garden hoping something unusual arrives. This Blue Tit is a regular and posed nicely

This normally shy Yellowhammer didn't see me as it flew in. He's been visiting my garden since the start of March when there were five around, now just him and a female. This is very unusual as I only see them when there's snow on the ground

The Starlings must be feeding young as they've started visiting daily, it will soon be very noisy when the fledglings turn up. This bird looks to have Hawthorn Flies in its beak

A pwoud looking bid as Sir Alex might say

I can't tell if this one has grass or food, maybe renewing some nest material

Caught as it flew from a neighbours roof

Always one of the last birds to go to roost and very approachable

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