Thursday, 30 May 2019

Not likely an Iberian Chiffchaff

I'd heard an Iberian Chiffchaff sing briefly when the Chiffchaff below flew out of the small xmas trees and took a caterpillar. I  didn't hear the song again as the birds were continually flushed by workmen spraying the weeds between the xmas trees. It wasn't going to be my day, no time left at Mill of Tarty, Olive was already in the car reading her book, so onward to Strathbeg.

The Scaup in the two photos at the bottom of the post looks good for a true bird, it has vermiculations in the plumage on its back and a tiny black nail which can't be seen in the photo. It also has a peak on the rear crown but probably not enough to be a Lesser Scaup, and it seemed too big.

Also seen at Strathbeg was a drake Garganey from the Dunbar Hide, but we'd arrived too late in the day again, and everything was sleeping or absent.

The Eider at the Ythan Estuary seen from Inches is part leucistic and similar but more pale than another I saw at the Ythan some years ago, it was more grey than white.

Scaup at Strathbeg, click here for video

Leucistic Eider video, click here to open

Chiffchaff, it's thought that the Iberian has been ringed, none here. I should have waited till the sprayers moved up the field instead of assuming this was the one!

Leucistic Eider duck, seen with a drake from the Inches, Ythan Estuary. (Canon SX60)

Scaup, in front of Starnafin Centre, Strathbeg (Canon SX60)

Scaup drake, Strathbeg

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