Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Myxomatosis - Loch Leven/Kinross

Myxomatosis rabbits and others from Loch Leven. As usual all of the birds were roosted, sleeping and miles away.

Not very much to see from any of the three hides accessed from the RSPB centre at Loch Leven. A few Pochard, Tufted Ducks, Goosanders, Whooper Swans, Mute Swans, Teal, Curlews, Lapwings, Mallards, Little Grebes and Great Crested Grebes. All far enough away to make photography pointless.

Pochard drake from the hide at the woolen mill

Carrion Crow, it was pecking at the myxomatosis rabbits backside, but the rabbit was still active enough to react but clearly couldn't see the crow

The Magpies appeared to be finding insects

A horrific disease which few ever recover from and appear to have a slow death if not killed by some predator

Thankfully only 5 or 6 rabbits out of around 20 had the myxomatosis, that's not to say they won't get it though

Robins are everywhere just now and announce their presence freely

Jackdaw, overlooking the grass area which is part of the mill where the rabbits were

The same crow that had been was attacking the rabbit

None of four black rabbits present were affected by the myxomatosis

Female House Spider in my kitchen a week ago, I've left it be so it can kill any on those little flies that get in

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