Thursday 21 March 2019

FLICKR - fully open as a trial

A new trial, I'm publicising my Flickr Albums, and Photostream after asking myself, "what's the point of all of my photos if nobody sees them"?

I'll still keep this blog in the same format and will update it as before. The difference if viewers choose, is that photos on the blog at 1200 pixels might also be put on Flickr in a better resolution. Flickr's video processing also seems to make for a better result than YouTube.

Note, there's no guarantee of quality, only my best efforts and rarities will be posted even if they are rubbish (sometimes). I'm using a paid version of Flickr as one of my backups, so sometimes there will be duplicates or multiple photos of the same bird, animal or view. I don't sell, try to sell or make any money from this, as I said to Olive, "it keeps me oot o' thi hoose".

The first screen grab below shows the current album list I have, dated 21/3/2019, and below that the same info split into two in the hope it would be clearer on a phone or tablet.

ALBUMS, click here to go to Flickr Albums

PHOTOSTREAM, click here to go to Flickr Photostream

View of my album list in Flickr

Left hand view enlarged

Right hand view enlarged

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