Wednesday 10 June 2020

Palmate Newts, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary and Large Red Damselflies


No death in this post. Damn, I forgot about the Large Red Damselfly that had drowned, let's hope after mating!

Very little birdlife seen in Montreathmont in the middle of the day, as expected. I was disappointed that many of the places where Palmate Newts breed were dry, let's hope the tadpoles had already developed and left as young newts.

Large Red Damselflies mating, Montreathmont Forest

Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Butterfly, Montreathmont

Palmate Newt, male. A few photos posted as I won't be likely to see them again this year. All are just below the surface of the water, with debris on the surface

Although they appeared to chase the pond skaters I didn't see any being caught. The "palmate" rear foot is a definitive ID for the male of this species

This is actually a Common Backswimmer and not a very clever Pond Skater walking upside down under the surface tension. Thanks again to Barry F, who knows far too much, but always helps out when I guess or don't pay attention (more likely)

Pond Skater

Pretty sure this is a Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee on Bugleherb, hopefully if I'm wrong someone help out

Looks like Northern Marsh Orchid, alternative might be Early Marsh Orchid?

Bugleherb, Bugle, Bugleweed and other common local names

I think this is Tormentil (Potentilla Erecta), my flower ID person didn't know. It's a tiny flower growing along the tracks in Montreathmont


  1. Your upside down Pond Skater is likely to be a "Water Boatman" or Backswimmer, I think.


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