Saturday 16 January 2021

Mammals - a second look

Bored by the lockdown and weather, with new editing software and better understanding of how to use it, I've tried to sort damage done in the past to photos in my "Mammals" folder. I think much of it was due to the settings of my graphics card and monitor. Photos are from various cameras progressing through the years.
Some farm species included and a few species missing, I missed a Weasel at the Lurgies and doubt I'll get another chance soon.  

Alpaca, were kept at Elliot where I started birding after work, looking for Dippers and Treecreepers

Bank Vole, often seen at our forest hide, along with wood mice

Rabbit, no doubt a released pet, this one and another were next to the Woolen Mill in Kinross

Grey Seal pup, Lurgies which looked recently born on the path. I left it be and informed the SSPCA who kept a watch on it. Good views in this and the following photo of the key ID aid, it's nose. Compare it with the Common Seal further down this post

Hatton Boar, it's a hard life when your only job is to eat, sleep and procreate! Mind you the sow in the next photo isn't much to look at, but then neither is he

Powmyre Pig, seen when looking for Iceland Gulls a few years ago

Bottlenose Dolphin, I think this was off Torry Battery in Aberdeen

Brown Hare, looks to be early spring, the usual time when the hares become active and distracted

East Haven Bull in one of the fields to the south of the village

Auchmithie Cat, this was a few years ago when I saw it sitting on the chimney on a few occasions

Grey Seal, quite far up the South Esk at the Lurgies in midwinter, the salmon is alive but diseased on head and tail

Common Seal pup, perhaps the best view I've had of one and it was just in front of the car park at Westhaven for a few days. My lazy grandkids thought it was "really cute" but not enough to get off their backsides on a cold day to see it

Dog off lead=death. It's not nature as I've heard said, if you choose to have a dog and effectively semi imprison it, at least don't let kill the wildlife which has a much harder time surviving

Bottlenose Dolphins, from Arbroath Cliffs where they are often sighted but it's something that can't be planned or guaranteed

Red Fox (Lurgies). Sometimes you just get lucky, or if you go out looking, without making a racket, move slowly with stealth, and most importantly nobody else comes along, you see things

Red Fox and cub, seen while I was doing a Corn Bunting Survey, they were only a few metres away when they saw me and bolted

Death by frisby, and not the first or last seal I've seen with plastic, netting or rope caught around it. This one was reported to the SSPCA but I doubt if they caught it unless it weakened. It was at the Ythan Estuary

Ythan Grey Seals, some days there can well over 1,000 animals hauled out warming up to help their digestion, and yet they don't always get peace despite barriers and signs

Grey Squirrel, Carnoustie (lactating). It's not their fault they spread disease and out compete the Reds, it ours namely the Victorians. Still we'll have to eradicate them if we want to keep the reds, even though the increase in Pine Martens is helping to control them, to a degree

Grey Squirrel, Kirkcaldy, found in Ravenscraig Park while I was looking for a Nuthatch

Hedgehog in my garden which lives in a wild pile of cuttings I built, to save going to the tip with them!

A horse of course, this one always comes to the edge of its field near SWT Montrose when I'm scouring the basin

House Mouse, doesn't end well. I have a number of videos where as many as four mice are climbing over each other to get at the seed

Minke Whale just south of Mains of Usan, it had been drifting up and down the coast for about a week before it washed ashore. Did you know it's illegal to remove whales or dolphins, or parts of from a beach. I didn't

Mountain Hare, I had to climb to near the top of Cairnwell to get this photo through deep snow, it was worth it

Mountain Hare near Loch Esk, Glen Clova. It must have quite late in spring as we were looking for Dotterel, there were none. I also remember falling through a snow bridge into a burn and finding and photographing a Common Lizard

House Mouse, they shared the hedgehogs wood pile and produced a few broods during lockdown. I bet that will be the same for humans

Otter, Forfar Loch, crunching a fish as it swam by the ducks sitting on the rafts of weed, they kept a wary eye on it

Otter, Lurgies. There was a mother with at least two cubs just 100 metres from the Old Harbour

Lurgies, three seen

Rabbit, Fowlsheugh, a very old photo of a tiddler sunning itself at the nest mouth

Red Deer Stag in velvet, Glenesk

Red Squirrel, this one was at our forest hide where they've now become mostly absent, most likely due to predators

Three and a half legged Roe Deer which I used to see at Murton NR where it appeared to raise at least two fawns. Deer there in the past have become tangled in the fences but now the gates around the reserveare left open

Roe Deer, looks like the old camera must have the "vivid" setting on

Roe Deer

Stoat, East Haven amusing itself by chasing Pied Wagtails who looked like they were having fun winding it up

Stoat, Elliot which was one of a family of four youngsters being watched by their mother. The small Sand Martin colony in a pile of top soil nearby failed that year


Stoat, Lurgies. I wonder if ermine became popular in royal and ceremonial clothing after grouse shooting started in Victorian times, when gamekeepers started killing the stoats on a grand scale

Stoat, Lurgies

House Mouse stuck and dead in the feeder after eating too much, it may have been exposure as it had rained for about two days. It had eaten a huge amount of seed which had swelled up and wedged it under a bar in the feeder, I couldn't get it out and binned the feeder

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