Friday 14 January 2022

Black-necked Grebe and Great Grey Shrike!

This weeks selection, roughly in date order and from Backwater Dam, Monikie, Montrose Basin (railway bridge area), Montreathmont, the Slunks and Forfar Loch. I found it almost impossible to film divers at the Basin as they wouldn't stay on the surface and would reappear randomly just about anywhere having travelled a distance underwater. I never thought I'd hear and record a winter diver calling and it matches Red-throated Divers.

Red-throated Diver      Sanderlings feasting at East Haven, click here

Great Grey Shrike on the summit of Bellaty Hill at Backwater Dam, in a deer fenced area south of the phone mast

The original photo taken from around 150 metres from the bird, it was ranging around the top of the hill, often disappearing and apparently chasing something while flying very low over the heather

I keep meaning to try and go to Monikie on a sunny day, this and the one below of the Black-necked Grebe were on another dull miserable day for photography. Morning sun isn't much good as the positions I've seen the grebe in mean I'd be looking into the low harsh sun

With a Little Grebe for comparison

Black-throated Diver, the white patch was seen in my scope but I couldn't get a photo as the divers were feeding hard as the tide began to flow


and again but cropped

Little Egret at the Slunks

Great Spotted Woodpecker in Montreathmont Forest

No crop required for this close Blue Tit with afternoon sunlight lighting it up at Forfar Loch

Goldeneye at Monikie where the Long-tailed Duck should have been

Red-throated Divers, query 1st winter looking at the adult. The two were associating together and the adult calling which can be heard in a video I took

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