Friday 11 March 2022

Green Sandpiper at Murton - Blackcap RIP?

After delivering a precious cargo to her daughters in Carnoustie, I had a quick look at Monikie and was pleased to see the Black-necked Grebe was still there, too far out for me to say it had grown any of it's breeding plumage, but can't be long now.
It seemed likely that the Green Sandpiper would still be at Murton and I found it immediately from the Stewart Hide. Also at Murton, Shovelers, Lapwings, Oystercatchers, Teal, Wigeon, Little Grebes, Goldeneye, Coots, Moorhens and Tufted Ducks.
Finally, a few more photos from Montreathmont where I'd gone looking for Crossbills and Frog spawn.

My Blackcap hasn't been seen since a male Sparrowhawk visited my garden twice in an hour on Wednesday. I could see the hawk on the ground but not well enough to confirm prey, and then on the perch in the video below where it seemed to be cleaning it's talons. A trail camera didn't pick up the Blackcap on Thursday and I haven't seen it since.

Green Sandpiper at Murton      Shoveler pair      Oystercatchers and Little Grebe  

Sparrowhawk male      Blackcap, eaten by Sparrowhawk??      Vixen in garden - long version

A newly arrived Lesser Black-backed Gull at Monikie, eating one of the recently released Rainbow Trout. It won't have killed the trout, it might one that didn't survive the long journey in a tank on the back of a lorry

Probably the same gull but seemed paired with another out of shot

Two pairs of Shovelers at Murton on Thursday, and the Green Sandpiper was in the open from the Stewart Hide

Montreathmont Forest, the first frog and spawn I've seen this year, other pools had frogs yet to spawn

Great Spotted Woodpecker

A very colourful Great Tit in a brief shaft of sunlight

Still a few Redpolls coming to the feeders

Two of five Siskins seen

Siskin. I like this one as it's hard to get a photo that doesn't have a mess of sticks, feeders or other man-made items

Yellowhammer, always wary and flees readily at the smallest noise or movement from the hide or elsewhere

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