Wednesday 20 July 2022

It Ain't Half Hot Mum!

Due to the recent heat, (I had to take off my jersey) I haven't gone a wandering and instead have stuck around the Arbroath area and wasted time trying to take impossible photos of Swifts. As the Swifts are unreliable visitors over my garden, I took more Hoverfly photos which proved difficult to identify some of them.
Still at West Links and Victoria Park are three Mediterranean Gulls, more Redshanks, Dunlin and at last more juvenile Black-headed Gulls.
Also found while doing my Webs survey on Sunday, another Med Gull, Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel and 28 Sandwich Terns.

Sandwich Tern Symphony        Marmalade Fly video!

Redshank juvenile at West Links, Arbroath

Sandwich Tern juvenile, East Haven

Same Sandwich Tern with its parent

One of the few birds left at Victoria Park after a small aircraft flew past well inshore and low over the sea

Oystercatchers at West Links Arbroath

Adult Black-headed Gull at Victoria Park feeding on the tide line

Juvenile Black-headed Gull

Herring Gull

Common Carder Bee

Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Common Banded Hoverfly Syrphus ribesii which conveniently landed on my left hand

I now have many Marmalade Flies in the garden

Migrant Hoverfly Eupeodes corollae again in my garden

I've been told this is a Hollyhock, currently beginning to flower in Olive's garden

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