Saturday 16 July 2022

Focus on young and returning birds

I'm seeing the start of returning birds, mainly waders, and the arrival of our now yearly Mediterranean Gulls, all three so far are adults. There was one at West Links and two at Victoria Park and I assume one of them was the ringed bird. It was yellow AYZK in previous years and has been ringed again with yellow ALZZ, it's from Saxony, Germany. 
I've seen Curlew numbers building, small flocks of Dunlin and Ringed Plovers. More info below the photos and three videos from Victoria Park, Arbroath.

Most of a flock of 17 Dunlin at West Links, Arbroath. They eventually ran out of beach and patience with folk peering over and sometimes walking along the walls

They did land briefly once more but flew off quickly to the south

Bye....please go to East Haven for my Webs

Lesser black-backed Gull adult, haven't seen any fledged chicks yet but I did see some advanced ones on buildings in the High Street, Arbroath

Juvenile Black-headed Gull, more around now with many slightly different stages of plumage

I like the patterns on young Herring Gulls, this bird is a 2nd calendar year undergoing a moult

Juvenile Carrion Crow, seen with a parent and one sibling

A Pied Wagtail from what's surely a second brood

More youth, this time Starlings, also showing a moult

Although not given any special billing, I couldn't leave out this Med Gull at West Links

The last West Links photo I took on Thursday, I had seen its legs which weren't ringed

A different Med Gull, this was was near another at Victoria Park around high tide, it's beginning to moult its hood. I didn't see either on the beach so assume one could be the ringed one

It appeared to be picking flies off the surface

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