Friday 15 July 2022

Mediterranean Gull feeding inshore

A brief visit to Victoria Park in Arbroath while Olive was shopping, and it paid off when a hoped for Mediterranean Gull was present. Other gulls there were, Common, Black-headed, Lesser black-backed and Herring. In the wind many Swallows and House Martins were feeding low to the ground but I didn't have the time or will to get an almost impossible photo.

More from my garden and what I think is a special photo and by pure chance, a Small White Butterfly at the point of laying an egg on one of Olive's beloved flowers. I think I've convinced her that the caterpillars won't do much damage as the eggs were being laid mostly in my jungle area (wild) and well spaced out.

Mediterranean Gull - Black-head Gull comparison      Tight zoom      Inshore then flew too close  

Mediterranean Gull sequence from Victoria Park, Arbroath

Mediterranean Gull with a Black-headed Gull

Common Gull

Common Gull

Juvenile Black-headed Gull

Small White Butterfly female laying eggs on Olive's flowers, egg being deposited directly above it's eye on a leaf

Resting in-between eggs

Narcissus Bulb Fly Meredon equestris

Wood Wasp, this time I can just see a small black dot on its face, an identifying feature

Marmalade Fly, now common in my garden

One of this years young Starlings beginning to moult

If it lands close to where I'm sitting it gets its photo taken, House Sparrow female

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