Wednesday 13 July 2022

Kittiwake, Kittiwake

I've been trying to go out and get butterfly photos but have been thwarted by the strong winds, with less activity and those I found blowing about on plants.
I've added descriptions below most photos and I'll add one or maybe two videos later, have this one meantime.

Starting with some good news for a change. Kittiwakes at Arbroath Cliffs seem to have avoided avian flu so far with many having two chicks. Earlier there appeared to be many more Fulmars nesting but some nests have been abandoned, but there's still more than most years

I haven't had Collared Doves in my garden for years, this one with another turned up on July 10th and I've seen them most days since 

Despite it being windy at Arbroath Cliffs, there were many Meadow Browns about with a few Common Blues and Green-veined Whites. The original of this crop is a much better photo, somethings been lost in the re-size

Common Blue, both sides now

Six Spot Burnet Moth and a male Red-tailed Bumblebee

Six Spots making new Six Spots

European Potter Wasp on my pond. There's a cat visiting the pond just now and sitting waiting for a House Sparrow to fly too close. In the past I watched a cat launch into the air, take a swipe at a Sparrow and then it landed in the middle of the pond covered in duck weed, justice!!

Red Soldier Beetle

Red-tailed Bumblebee

Sun Fly, hardly ever seen unless it's sunny

Adult Common Frog, it crawled out of the pond as I was trying to photograph a Wood Wasps face!

Herring Gull juveniles being fed with tiny regurgitated fish

Linnet at Victoria Park, Arbroath 

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