Saturday 20 August 2022

20 minutes of Curlew and Gull photos

Just wasting away 20 minutes at Danger Point (Old Brewhouse) in Arbroath where the Brothock Burn falls into the sea. There was a large roost of gulls well out on the rocks, and they were coming to bathe in small numbers, but constantly while I watched. The sun wasn't at the best angle to get photos of many of the gulls, but perfect for the Curlew.

Curlew in the pool at Danger Point, Arbroath

Eider drake in eclipse

Great Black-backed Gull bathing in the Brothock outfall, Arbroath

Lesser Black-backed Gull

Herring Gull adult

Herring Gull juvenile

Grey Wagtail, still in the Brothock upstream from the outfall

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