Thursday 20 October 2022

Whiskered Tern adult, Forfar Loch

Top billing to the Whiskered Tern at Forfar Loch, I was told it was the tenth one recorded in mainland Scotland and the last was in 2002.
Some sea ducks out of place and a Pale-bellied Brent Goose with rings, a few regulars and a dragon!

This post covers a few days and sites, photos were taken on my DSLR and with my P1000 when subjects were very far away, and as always I resorted to videos. 

Whiskered Tern      Female Scaup      Long-tailed Duck 

Pale-bellied Brents      Pintails      Goosander      Wigeon flight

Whiskered Tern adult at Forfar Loch which was seen but not identified on 15/10/2022, then found independently by Simon Ritchie and Jeremy Squire a day later and correctly identified. Today 20/10/2022 it's been reported on Birdguides as still there and showing well

A Common Scoter on the River South Esk upstream from Montrose Basin, I can't recall seeing one that far inland before

A Scaup, another sea duck, this time seen from the Montrose Railway Station. The weather didn't help with no light and a strong wind, and it just wouldn't come upstream close enough

Also from the station a juvenile Long-tailed Duck, a third sea duck

Three of a family of four Pale-bellied Brent Geese also at the station and one of the adults has orange rings S on the left leg and 4 on the right leg. I'll post details here if/when I get them

Buzzard hunting at the Lurgies

This Canada Goose was with four others at the Slunks, neither of which were the "smaller one" still unidentified and likely to remain so. It may have moved on or even been shot, one of the five mentioned above had a damaged wing which to me looked like a shooting injury

The ever present Great Egret

Two Magpie photos from Forfar Loch. I was sitting on a bench chatting to an angler when this Magpie landed just a few metres away, far enough that the camera would focus but difficult to get it all in the frame. It gave me a look and hopped off

I asked Olive what she saw in this photo, a dead tree, I see a dragon, do you?

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