Saturday, 10 December 2022

If you can't be good, be lucky

I landed up at the Lurgies on Friday far too late and on a big tide. Undeterred I marched on with far too much gear being carried, but it paid off when the Great Egret flew past with four Little Egrets in close attendence. About time I had some luck instead of reporting on dogs, guns, aircraft, although the wigeon in the video were flushed by an unknown source.
Also feeding along the path were around 120 Fieldfares, at first I thought there might be 30 but a steady stream flew in from the large trees at the back of the cattle field. They are very wary birds but every now and then one doesn't pay attention and gives a brief window to try for a photo.
Other photos show damage to the north bank of the river upstream of the Slunks, it's likely the farmer will fill in the new pool quickly.

Fieldfares, long zoom      Little Egret      Wigeon, Miss Erskine's Bank

Great Egret, Lurgies, Montrose Basin

Two of four Little Egrets flying off with the big fella

There were around 120 Fieldfares working the berry bushes along the Lurgies Path

One of a small group of Long-tailed Tits that I've seen often along the path

Little Egret sitting in a newly formed pool where the recent floods carved out a hole in the river bank, wider view below

Flood damage to the bank and field

Teal with a few Wigeon, flushed by something, likely a Great Back-backed Gull

The view across the Basin to Montrose, looks like a snow bearing cloud just out to sea

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