Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Arctic Skua, Red-throated Divers, Terns and Gannets. Kinnaber Beach, Montrose

Birds mostly photographed at Kinnaber Beach in Montrose Bay, very intermittent light meant constant changes to settings, and as the tide ebbed the birds moved too far offshore.
Others from Scurdie Ness and gulls feeding in a large pool where the Brothock Burn reaches the foreshore in Arbroath. That may happen again as the pool captures thousands of small bait fish when the tide recedes at this time of year.

Arctic Skua juvenile at Kinnaber 11/9/2023, it came from behind me and was past before I saw it!

Red-throated Divers various, Kinnaber


Ringed Plover juvenile


Herring Gulls fishing at Danger Point (Old Brewhouse), around 100 in the pool created by the old sewage pipe

Gannets fishing again at Kinnaber, still very mobile along the beach

Common Tern juvenile

Common Tern juvenile

Sandwich Tern

Gannet immature

Harbour Porpoise, Scurdie Ness, not dead long, seen 9/9/2023. About 1 metre long and looked to have little muscle behind its head, an mark below the dorsal fin, and some damage at the vent where gulls had pecked

Shag, blue ring white letters UUJ, at Scurdie Ness, Montrose

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