Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Lesser Black-backed Gulls - The Movie

Murton, Forfar Loch, Arbroath, Stannochy, Glenesk and Meikle Loch are some of my recent visits, some successful others not........

Three videos, this time hosted on YouTube where you can select your own settings. First Lesser Black-backed Gulls this year for me.

Lesser Black-backed Gull, Forfar Loch  Herring Gull comparison     Goldeneye displaying, Murton       The hills are alight (near Murton)

Female Tufted Duck trying to look like a female Scaup

Some of over 100 Wigeon on Buddy's Loch and the Wetlands at Murton until an RAF Typhoon flew past low

Some Gorse being burned near Murton

You can tell there wasn't much birdlife to photograph so resorted to scenery

I suggested to a man at Keptie Pond that the Feral Pigeons would eat seed from his hand, only if the Mute Swan doesn't get it first!

Still a few drake Goosanders on the pond

and I think two females

This Heron was near where previous nests have been attempted

Woodpigeons, an underrated success thanks to garden bird feeders (spillages)

One of my so-called arty shots of the Long-tailed Duck below

Still at least 4 in Arbroath harbour

Waiting for the creel fishermen's return, Great Black-backed Gull

Also fed indirectly from the fishermen, Turnstone

My first Buff-tailed Bumblebee of the year, in my garden with around 12 Honey Bees which were unexpected on 26/2/2024

Honey Bee

Lapwing at Stannochy, also Oystercatchers and gulls moving inland

I saw one these two Pink-footed Geese through a hedge to start with and hoped they'd be something more exotic like a White-fronted Goose

Red-legged Partridge, this non-native species is now being imported and released in vast numbers, even on higher ground as a substitute for Red Grouse. You may wonder what all of them eat, probably food that our native species depend on...........

Meikle Loch, Aberdeenshire (near the Ythan Estuary)

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