Sunday, 17 March 2024

Urban and Harbour Birds

Just some wildlife that can be seen within Arbroath without the need for a scope, binoculars or by sitting in a cold bird hide. 
The frogs are very wary just now, but they seem to lose that over time and I can sometimes sit beside them within touching distance. 
The Vixen is the same one that's been coming all winter, she's bulked up, and with a long coat, and looks pregnant.
The frogs at Keptie Pond were having a hard time with three male Goosanders still around, and one actively taking frogs, unfortunately it was on the far side or the pond.
Just two Long-tailed Ducks at the harbour on a windy day, I'm still waiting to see a Red-throated Diver come in, but it's unlikely I'll get up early enough in the morning before the fishermen disturb one as they leave to attend their creels.

Frogs return to my garden pond, click here      Presumed Vixen still a constant visitor in my garden      Forgot to post this Dipper at Arbroath Harbour

Goosander drake

Two on the man-made island

And this one hunting frogs on the far bank

The Tufted Duck drakes are in prime condition

Still around 20 Wigeon on the pond

Moorhen, some squabbling going with others but not as much agro as the Coots

Mallard drake, seems to have a blue cast off the water reflecting the sky

The rehabilitated immature Eider drake obliged by standing up to allow me to confirm he was in fact the rescued bird from the Ythan, the ring is green HX

It's usual pose and position at high tide

Just the two Long-tailed Ducks seen on 13/3/2024, this adult male

And this immature male

Around 35 Purple Sandpipers were sitting out the high tide

The Frogs have arrived in my garden pond, I counted 15 on 13/3/2024 and the same number today, Saturday

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