The first photos and video I've managed of a young male Sparrowhawk which has been around for a few weeks. There's no evidence that any of my Tree Sparrows have been taken, I still have 10 visiting and no feather piles anywhere in the garden.
The photos below the Sparrowhawk are all from East Haven walking north to Hatton.
Garden Sparrowhawk, click here for video Bar-tailed Godwit, East Haven Sanderlings playing "chicken" at Lunan Bay Goosander drakes preening on the ice at Keptie Pond
Garden Sparrowhawk, click here for video Bar-tailed Godwit, East Haven Sanderlings playing "chicken" at Lunan Bay Goosander drakes preening on the ice at Keptie Pond
The 1st winter Sparrowhawk which is keeping the birds away from my garden just now
A little later when the sun had moved around and lit its perch up
Stonechat at East Haven using the down-force of the wind to stop being blown of the post
Sanderlings being sand-blasted as they forage
Rock Pipit, the only one seen on the windswept beach, it was foraging where one of the ditches flows through a culvert under the railway line
Redshanks at the small pool by the railway line to the north of East Haven
This Robin has crouched to stop being blown off the wire
One of around 20 Sanderlings mixed with Turnstones
There were small groups of Cormorants flying south from the rocks, most likely to the shelter in the Tay
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