Photos from Mains of Dun, Wigeon Hide, Lurgies and Keptie Pond. Other sightings include the Snow Goose, (by the roadside at the top of Rossie Brae, Montrose) Twite, Jack Snipe, Snipe, Redwing, Meadow Pipit and Skylark.
I'm trying a slightly altered template to save time, it may take a few posts before I settle on one. Past posts should remain unchanged (?)
I'm trying a slightly altered template to save time, it may take a few posts before I settle on one. Past posts should remain unchanged (?)
Female Mandarin at Keptie Pond in Arbroath. I think the drake was present but hidden on the island
This photo gives an idea of size when compared with Mallards and Black-headed Gulls
The Pintail/Mallard hybrid only appeared as I was leaving and had probably been skulking on the island
Just a single Fieldfare on the Wigeon Hide track at Montrose Basin
One of around 40 Curlews in front of the Wigeon Hide
Two of nine Grey Partridges flew from the trackside
I thought this male Sparrowhawk had gone, and may have moved since this photo, as a female has been chasing the Feral Pigeons. Olive had Herring Gulls disputing food on her roof, thought to be a pigeon stolen from the female!
Two Whooper Swans on Miss Erskine's Bank, but too far away on one of the very cold days
Very few Little Grebes seen at the Lurgies
Goldeneyes, male and female
Greylag Geese at the Lurgies
A Stock Dove photographed into a snow laden sky