Thursday, 15 October 2015

Snow Goose or is it No Goose

The search for the Snow Goose failed, perhaps it's with the 20,000 Pink-footed Geese on "Goose Road" nearby. I was lucky to see a Short-eared Owl being chased away by Crows at Mains of Usan and found "my own" Yellow-browed Warbler in Montrose but couldn't get photos of either birds. Most of the photos below were taken at distance other than the Grey Partridge which with 19 others sat motionless hoping I hadn't seen them.

Two Barnacle Geese with Pink-footed Geese near Usan Smiddy

The third Barnacle in the flock spooked by a car horn, why do that?

Two fishermen, little and large

Grey Partridge, I never usually get this close

Kestrel flying from wires at Mains of Usan

Kingfisher seen fishing on the Lunan, with a Stickleback in its beak

One of 40 or so Linnets at Mains of Usan

Red-breasted Merganser at the Lurgies, note the lower bill appears broken

Starlings, not counted but I'd say over 300 in the photo and more out of shot at Mains of Usan

The field a couple of days ago looked like the the area around the post, a lush green. Now the Pink-footed Geese have eaten virtually all of the winter cereal over most of the field except near the road and the posts.

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