Snipe at Kinnordy, click here
Shoveler drake, click here,
A Shoveler drake which came in very close to the Gullery Hide at Kinnordy when I was the only fool still there in the gloom and cold.
Some of the 220 Snipe even ventured closer.
High ISO but modern cameras seem to handle that well.
One of only three Whoopers around.
A Goldeneye from the elevated hide at Lintrathen.
This Little Grebe was so close sometimes I couldn't get a photo through the grasses below the hide.
One of around twelve Fieldfares up the Lurgies path.
This is surely the largest salmon I've ever seen a seal with, just before I clicked it submerged slightly hiding the full length of the fish.
One more of a Short-eared Owl at Elliot where it's been reported that one of the Owls has killed a Kestrel!
Not just Owls at Elliot, there are at least four Stonechats and some Reed Buntings. There will also be some Snipe but I'm leaving them in peace.
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